tl;dr I'm doing reclist bullshit again. Namely, I'm taking that thing I've been working on for the past 5 years, the VCV English, and (thinking about) turning it into that thing I've been working on for the past 3 months, CV but for people who hate themselves like me. I'm trying to find a way to make it bearable to record and oto and simultaneously sound not terrible but it is incredibly difficult. You know how I have this motherfucker: This is just a semi-vcv thing (I'm officially calling it TCV-VC / Transition-Consonant-Vowel Vowel-Consonant) And I have this other motherfucker: This is the same concept but with cv + semi-vc instead of vcv (I'm officially calling this one CV-TC / Consonant-Vowel Transition-Consonant, I've done this w/ primarily Japanese + done some very minor testing in English). And my thought process was "dang why don't I just like, take the second one's concept and, line-by-line, convert the first one to that?&
Just some things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯