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Reclist update four???

I am mostly doing finalization stuff. It's weird to say because I've been working on these two methods for over 5 years (I need to do normal things with my life for once...). This'll mostly go over some minor (major in terms of workload) standards changes and the planned addition of missing items, which there are many of. After all this, it'll just be finalizing the configs, documentation writing and release. And I added a sample :)

Standard changes

First off, I made a change to the vowel transition standard, which was originally [_Au], changed recently to [_ Au], and is now [*Au]. But because of a more recent issue I am having, I also wanted to change the vowel ending standard. However, it's a hard issue because the most direct, logical course of action would be to change [A -] to [A-]. I'm wanting to do this for compatibility with a plugin, and it's unfortunately a pretty annoying and very nonstandard change compared to my other reclists (which matters very little, it's just a muscle memory thing for me). The actual major downside is that... it brings back a very similar issue to the one I had last time, where my naming convention for vowel transitions overrode several consonant endings.

So, I thought, why not just change it to match the vowel transition standard? That would give us something like... [*Au3-] which is very unfortunate to type out to say the least, and worst of all, ugly to read.

My second option, which is a lot more work but probably a little more logical, would be to change consonant endings from [_sk-] to [_sk -].

Good news though: this is all very low priority, because there are no actual issues w/ current standard usage, outside of missing independent "l". I might not even touch this, because there's hardly any point, just me nitpicking....

Missing items

I realized I was missing several things that are actually somewhat detrimental to realism....
  • As mentioned previously, an independent "l" akin to "m" / "n" flavor samples
  • A large number of vowel transitions
  • "fn", "sn", etc. samples
  • Some consonant clusters are missing (not high priority though)
I also kind of wanted to add some sort of means to doing manual consonant clustering so that missing clusters wouldn't be an issue, but typically taking any of a previous and setting overlap of a following to 0 to 20 will emulate it very well (I'm also trying to eliminate this kind of work but it's almost necessary to do these kinds of things with this method because of mixed CV + CVVC compatibility).

I am still working on compiling the exact list of all missing things because I am on a slight deadline for a specific voicebank that's going to use this wink wink wonk wonk...


For the first time in centuries, here u go fuckers:

UST by Leigh
cause I know nobody clicks embed links anymore jsdkfjdslkjfkdlsj also pls listen to that cover it fucking slaps and i love it.

See u later alligators :))))


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