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    After becoming very bored with ...I can't even remember, I ended up discovering an awesome little thing called Flele. Now... Flele is a music player which pretty much sings to you. It's REALLY COOL!!
    I don't think Flele works well on Windows XP...but it's still cool even though it doesn't play any music!
You can get Flele here. Just click on Download (3.5MB) and...stuff. This one comes with a Miku shell!! YAY!
   Basically, all you have to do to play music in it is drag a song onto the face. To install a shell, all you have to do is place the .zip file onto their face. Guess what else you can do? You can pet them! Sometimes it's really hard to find the right spot though.
    Here's some links to some really cool Flele shells:
    Too lazy to put the rest. Go look it up.


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