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Showing posts from January, 2020


Anyways, I guess I technically tested it out and it works. Thanks guys. But I have like, a few notes on this, obviously. I added a bunch of stuff it didn't need. Okay so some bad and good news. I'll start with the bad news: I added a bunch of stuff that I didn't really need to and it expanded the size a whole bunch. This wouldn't be bad if not for the fact that I made this purely with the intent of getting around the time + oto limit constraints. Unfortunately, this means that I am going to have to spend a bunch of time going back and removing all that stuff. But with that comes good news as well. Now knowing I have a lot less work on my hands, I think it'll be a lot faster to make. On top of that, I realized that I could take my other method, the semi-VCV with VC additions, and just remove actual VC configs and it sounds, like, the same, in a freaky kind of way. Most of all, I made a wild realization: I didn't need a full set of VCs You only need th

Updates on that last reclist thing I talked about, I think

First off, I wrote it, in full (probably). But there's a bit more to it than "I wrote it", I did a lot more than just that. I wrote it in such a way that you could oto it like TCVVC AND use a base oto + a guide bgm on 95% of it, like the fucking maniac I am. Not just that, but I included significantly more consonant clusters, because it's small enough to do that now. It is 362 recordings long, last I checked. I am currently doing chain recording testing. Horrifying caveats Cool now that you all think it's good based off of the post preview, I can deliver the cold, hard truth: the reclist itself is not finished yet, particularly the single-recording section, which is about 87 recordings probably . This part is particularly hard to complete because I literally just have to be like, while using a voicebank "damn I really wish I had this particular vowel combination / consonant ending", which is difficult because I hate thinking. I also have no idea how

Mandatory "I'm making a singing synth" pre-post post

I was writing something about this but it got too wordy. Don't get me wrong, I want to give you all as many details as possible, but I care very much about being understood and consistent about things (as ironic as that sounds) so I thought I'd give a very short introductory post about it instead of bombarding anyone who would potentially read this with useless information. Cool, now that that's out of the way, I am making a singing synth. I am writing the back end (the actual synth part) in Python. I have no current plans of creating a front end but I have a few options as to how I'm gonna get started on that that I'll update on in the probably very distant future. I have a shitty demo: Here's a copy of the description on SoundCloud, which goes over pretty much everything you'd need to know about it: i completely forgot to post this on here i've been making jokes about it on twitter for the past few months but here's some highlights