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I moved!!

I completely forgot to post about this. I've gotten kinda sick of this platform over the years and wanted to move to something that was more in line with my workflow, so I just made my own website and now I'm posting at

I started this blog back in 2012 when I was a teenager. I'm almost 27 now, and a lot of things have changed since then. I think the only thing that definitely hasn't is I still love yapping, probably even more than I did back then. That being said, I'm not really doing any of the same stuff I was before (kinda), aside from, like, stuff with audio software. I can't remember if I ever posted about it here, but I'd made a text-to-speech engine and a really simple pure Lua audio library so I could concatenate audio samples or whatever, and I somehow misplaced the text-to-speech engine part of it... but not the audio library part, so I've just kinda been building onto it and making it better for fun whenever I don't have anything else to work on.

I don't plan on taking any of this down. After this, it'll all be frozen in time unless the service goes down or something. I'll probably archive it all on my website just in case whenever I get the chance.

Regardless of what I do, now or the future, you'll find it on my website.

Thank you for reading. Good night :)


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